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A demon sprite sheet you can use for any 2d game you are building!

Included Animations:

  1. Idle
  2. Move
  3. Attack
  4. Damage
  5. Death
  6. Jump

Feel free to use the sprites in commercial/non-commercial projects!

Do you need a compatible tileset? Free characters?  Look no more! You can grab them for free at my patreon page!

You can read about licensing here!


Get this asset pack and 10 more for $12.00 USD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Fire Slash Sprite Sheet.png 21 kB
Demon Sprite Sheet.png 4.5 kB


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I used this sprite and a bunch of your other monster sprites in one of my games, you can check out the prototype here if you like.

(1 edit)

Just purchased this pack.  I did not see the attack animations for the demon in it.  Please add.  Also rectangle size?

Hey, thanks for the heads up! I've fixed the file. For the demon the slice size should be 32x32 pixels. For his fire attack 64x32 px.  

Thank you! I love your art by the way.  Is there a possibility of a zombie Pharoah or something along those lines?

I do characters choosen by polls which my patrons vote on. I've already posted this month's polls but I'll make sure to add Pharoah next month.

Cool!  I look forward to what is next

Or a polar bear