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A fox sprite sheet you can use for any 2d game you are building!

Included Animations: Idle, idle2, movement, catch, damage, sleep, death

Feel free to use the sprites in commercial/non-commercial projects! If you do, please consider tipping, or at least dropping a comment down below.  Happy developing!

Do you need a compatible tileset? Free characters? Look no more! You can grab them for free at my patreon page

You can read about licensing here!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(23 total ratings)
AuthorElthen's Pixel Art Shop
GenreRole Playing
Tags2D, Animals, Cute, Fantasy, fox, npc, orange, Pixel Art, Sprites


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Fox Sprite Sheet.png 38 kB


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It will be used in the development of GameJAM.

Thank you for the cute dots!


Thank you for the beautiful art! We used this for a platformer student project and it fit the vibes perfectly <3


Thanksss ,  I am developing an affordable Flipper Zero Alternative and would love to include this to the Tamagotchi Pet and i will surely give you credits for the Fox Art ;) . Keep the good work up !

Sounds interesting! Good luck with the development!


Hey, can I modify the assets and use it for my new game?


Feel free to edit the sprites to your needs

(1 edit) (+2)

◦•●◉✿ thank you! ✿◉●•◦

Do you think that would be possible to have it like in 48 or 64 px ?


Hey, Thank you dude i appreciate your work, i was making a game for my friend or our 1000 days anniversary and this fit so well for him!

I love it sm!!!! I hope you dont mind if I use it as a little foxy on my :3

It looks so nice~ I'm working on my first game and wanna have some placeholder sprites to learn the engine.

So cute!


Hello, I came here to tell you that I thought your fox was really cute, so I decided to use your sprites for the game jam that I'm participating in. As soon as I publish the game on gamr jam, I'll come back here to send you the game link

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realy nice do you have more animals

These are awesome! Using them for early dev on my game.

thank you for the sprites there so cute. I've been trying to make my own but I'm new to pixel art and being a game dev I will mention you in the credits of the start and end of the credits in my game <3

Hello! Used your beautiful fox for my first-in-a-while game: Fox Tower

Thanks a lot!


using this is in my game thanks so much


using this for a school project. thank you so much! will definitely make sure to credit you at the very least <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much! I made a pet for desktop based on your fox. Since you shared it in open source, I did the same 💚🦊


Hy Elthen, thanks for this art! I have recruited your cute fox as the main character of a mini-game made with Godot : Dodgy Fox

Thanks again! Cheers!

thanks to share.

Hi, just to confirm, is it ok to modify and use this to add it as a pet for the vscode-pets extension? It's essentially an extension anyone can download to get pets in their code editor.

Why does your page say you can use it in comercial projects but when you go to the licence it says you cant?.


Have you read the licence page carefully? Answer to your exact question is available on the "Further Explanations" section, just a bit below the licence information :)

It doesnt matter what the further explanations says. When i go to creative comman it say.

NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

That mean if i release a commercial game with your assets you can alwase catch me and claim money. Else you would have used the propper licence.

I like your assets alot and i see them alot of time when i search assets but this is the only thing resisting me using your assets.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, and there is a link to the explanation of "supplement permissions" on that page. With CC licenses you can't restrict terms of the licence but can only give more permissions. So I had to choose a non-commercial licence, then give permission to use the sprites for commercial projects with the condition of that said projects can't be anything blockchain-related. So in short, you are free to use the sprites in commercial projects but the project can't be a p2e game, nft project, web3 thing, or future inventions in the blockchain technologies etc. I hope that clears things. 

But if you still have doubts, here are some commercial games that use my sprites:

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Thank you i appreciate it alot.  It indeed look legit. I am alwase very carefull with this kind of things. 

Better safe than sorry! Enjoy the sprites! :D


Amazing work! Would like to use it in my game project! thank you very much!

is it ok if i use this for my game? i will give you credit?

The short answer is, yes, you can use this for your game. The link to the licensing is on the page, you can check the details there.


ok thanks i will mention you in the credits when its done

Hello, is it alright if I modify these assets? I wanted to use white foxes for an area of my game .

Hello! Feel free to modify the asset :)

Posso usar os seus sprites  para uso comercial

You can read it on the license page.

Can I use your artwork to make games for sale?

Short answer is, yes but there are links to the licensing on top and the bottom of the page. Please make sure you read them :)


Amazing Animations! Can you make a Rottweiler dog like that Fox ? i would love to buy it and use it in my project ✌️😊❤️

achei o sprite bem bonito e queria fazer  um jogo com ela porem eu ainda estou aprendendo mais farei o maximo possivel para criar algo legal bonito e jogavel montando uma pequena historia como fundo para prender um pouco da atenção do publico, estou fazendo um prototipo ainda então ira demora um pouco para publicar comercialmente e vou deixar o creditos da sua arte quando eu publica isso claro se for permitido usar a arte para comecialização caso contrario usarei apenas como base mesmo. 

Hey, I don't speak Portuguese. You can use the sprite for commercial project under some conditions which are stated here:

Hope this helps.


muito bonitas as sprites, estava procurando para um projeto de curso, muito obrigado

Hello can i use this art in my non game project? thank you

Hello, you can read the licensing here:

Hi again, your licensing doesn't mention for printables, my plan was to use your cute art in a sticker. Would that be a ok?  TY!

It depends really, if it's for personal use you have nothing to worry about. If you are gonna mass print the fox sprites as stickers and sell them, that's not good :) You can contact me from the e-mail address provided on the license page if you'd like to share the details and have further questions.

Nice work!! Thank you!!

(1 edit)

Cute! Any chance for a  bear cub in the future?


So cute!!! Great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

SO CUTE! Nice work.


Cute AF! Thanks!


Amazing and cute sprites was what I needed, could you make jumping and attacking sprites??


Aaa, I'm in love with this little fox! Just tipped (on my other account by accident, whoops), and I'm excited to use this as my witch character's familiar. Thank you for such great work!


It looks amazing! all of your sprites look so well done!


Thanks  !!! 

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